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363 statements
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1# ==================================================================================================================== #
2# __ ___ _ ____ _ __ __ _ _ #
3# _ __ _ \ \ / / | | | _ \| | | \/ | ___ __| | ___| | #
4# | '_ \| | | \ \ / /| |_| | | | | | | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ | #
5# | |_) | |_| |\ V / | _ | |_| | |___| | | | (_) | (_| | __/ | #
6# | .__/ \__, | \_/ |_| |_|____/|_____|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_| #
7# |_| |___/ #
8# ==================================================================================================================== #
9# Authors: #
10# Patrick Lehmann #
11# #
12# License: #
13# ==================================================================================================================== #
14# Copyright 2017-2025 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany #
15# Copyright 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany #
16# #
17# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
18# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
19# You may obtain a copy of the License at #
20# #
21# #
22# #
23# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
24# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
25# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
26# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
27# limitations under the License. #
28# #
29# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #
30# ==================================================================================================================== #
33This module contains parts of an abstract document language model for VHDL.
35Concurrent defines all concurrent statements used in entities, architectures, generates and block statements.
37from typing import List, Dict, Union, Iterable, Generator, Optional as Nullable
39from pyTooling.Decorators import export, readonly
40from pyTooling.MetaClasses import ExtendedType
42from pyVHDLModel.Base import ModelEntity, LabeledEntityMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin, Range, BaseChoice, BaseCase, IfBranchMixin
43from pyVHDLModel.Base import ElsifBranchMixin, ElseBranchMixin, AssertStatementMixin, BlockStatementMixin, WaveformElement
44from pyVHDLModel.Regions import ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin
45from pyVHDLModel.Namespace import Namespace
46from pyVHDLModel.Name import Name
47from pyVHDLModel.Symbol import ComponentInstantiationSymbol, EntityInstantiationSymbol, ArchitectureSymbol, ConfigurationInstantiationSymbol
48from pyVHDLModel.Expression import BaseExpression, QualifiedExpression, FunctionCall, TypeConversion, Literal
49from pyVHDLModel.Association import AssociationItem, ParameterAssociationItem
50from pyVHDLModel.Interface import PortInterfaceItemMixin
51from pyVHDLModel.Common import Statement, ProcedureCallMixin, SignalAssignmentMixin
52from pyVHDLModel.Sequential import SequentialStatement, SequentialStatementsMixin, SequentialDeclarationsMixin
55ExpressionUnion = Union[
56 BaseExpression,
57 QualifiedExpression,
58 FunctionCall,
59 TypeConversion,
60 # ConstantOrSymbol, TODO: ObjectSymbol
61 Literal,
66class ConcurrentStatement(Statement):
67 """A base-class for all concurrent statements."""
71class ConcurrentStatementsMixin(metaclass=ExtendedType, mixin=True):
72 """
73 A mixin-class for all language constructs supporting concurrent statements.
75 .. seealso::
77 .. todo:: concurrent declaration region
78 """
80 _statements: List[ConcurrentStatement]
82 _instantiations: Dict[str, 'Instantiation'] # TODO: add another instantiation class level for entity/configuration/component inst.
83 _blocks: Dict[str, 'ConcurrentBlockStatement']
84 _generates: Dict[str, 'GenerateStatement']
85 _hierarchy: Dict[str, Union['ConcurrentBlockStatement', 'GenerateStatement']]
87 def __init__(self, statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None) -> None:
88 self._statements = []
90 self._instantiations = {}
91 self._blocks = {}
92 self._generates = {}
93 self._hierarchy = {}
95 if statements is not None:
96 for statement in statements:
97 self._statements.append(statement)
98 statement._parent = self
100 @readonly
101 def Statements(self) -> List[ConcurrentStatement]:
102 return self._statements
104 def IterateInstantiations(self) -> Generator['Instantiation', None, None]:
105 for instance in self._instantiations.values():
106 yield instance
108 for block in self._blocks.values(): 108 ↛ 109line 108 didn't jump to line 109 because the loop on line 108 never started
109 yield from block.IterateInstantiations()
111 for generate in self._generates.values(): 111 ↛ 112line 111 didn't jump to line 112 because the loop on line 111 never started
112 yield from generate.IterateInstantiations()
114 # TODO: move into _init__
115 def IndexStatements(self) -> None:
116 for statement in self._statements:
117 if isinstance(statement, (EntityInstantiation, ComponentInstantiation, ConfigurationInstantiation)): 117 ↛ 119line 117 didn't jump to line 119 because the condition on line 117 was always true
118 self._instantiations[statement.NormalizedLabel] = statement
119 elif isinstance(statement, (ForGenerateStatement, IfGenerateStatement, CaseGenerateStatement)):
120 self._generates[statement.NormalizedLabel] = statement
121 statement.IndexStatement()
122 elif isinstance(statement, ConcurrentBlockStatement):
123 self._hierarchy[statement.NormalizedLabel] = statement
124 statement.IndexStatements()
128class Instantiation(ConcurrentStatement):
129 """
130 A base-class for all (component) instantiations.
131 """
133 _genericAssociations: List[AssociationItem]
134 _portAssociations: List[AssociationItem]
136 def __init__(
137 self,
138 label: str,
139 genericAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
140 portAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
141 parent: ModelEntity = None
142 ) -> None:
143 super().__init__(label, parent)
145 # TODO: extract to mixin
146 self._genericAssociations = []
147 if genericAssociations is not None: 147 ↛ 148line 147 didn't jump to line 148 because the condition on line 147 was never true
148 for association in genericAssociations:
149 self._genericAssociations.append(association)
150 association._parent = self
152 # TODO: extract to mixin
153 self._portAssociations = []
154 if portAssociations is not None: 154 ↛ 155line 154 didn't jump to line 155 because the condition on line 154 was never true
155 for association in portAssociations:
156 self._portAssociations.append(association)
157 association._parent = self
159 @readonly
160 def GenericAssociations(self) -> List[AssociationItem]:
161 return self._genericAssociations
163 @property
164 def PortAssociations(self) -> List[AssociationItem]:
165 return self._portAssociations
169class ComponentInstantiation(Instantiation):
170 """
171 Represents a component instantiation by referring to a component name.
173 .. admonition:: Example
175 .. code-block:: VHDL
177 inst : component Counter;
178 """
180 _component: ComponentInstantiationSymbol
182 def __init__(
183 self,
184 label: str,
185 componentSymbol: ComponentInstantiationSymbol,
186 genericAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
187 portAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
188 parent: ModelEntity = None
189 ) -> None:
190 super().__init__(label, genericAssociations, portAssociations, parent)
192 self._component = componentSymbol
193 componentSymbol._parent = self
195 @property
196 def Component(self) -> ComponentInstantiationSymbol:
197 return self._component
201class EntityInstantiation(Instantiation):
202 """
203 Represents an entity instantiation by referring to an entity name with optional architecture name.
205 .. admonition:: Example
207 .. code-block:: VHDL
209 inst : entity work. Counter;
210 """
212 _entity: EntityInstantiationSymbol
213 _architecture: ArchitectureSymbol
215 def __init__(
216 self,
217 label: str,
218 entitySymbol: EntityInstantiationSymbol,
219 architectureSymbol: Nullable[ArchitectureSymbol] = None,
220 genericAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
221 portAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
222 parent: ModelEntity = None
223 ) -> None:
224 super().__init__(label, genericAssociations, portAssociations, parent)
226 self._entity = entitySymbol
227 entitySymbol._parent = self
229 self._architecture = architectureSymbol
230 if architectureSymbol is not None: 230 ↛ 231line 230 didn't jump to line 231 because the condition on line 230 was never true
231 architectureSymbol._parent = self
233 @property
234 def Entity(self) -> EntityInstantiationSymbol:
235 return self._entity
237 @property
238 def Architecture(self) -> ArchitectureSymbol:
239 return self._architecture
243class ConfigurationInstantiation(Instantiation):
244 """
245 Represents a configuration instantiation by referring to a configuration name.
247 .. admonition:: Example
249 .. code-block:: VHDL
251 inst : configuration Counter;
252 """
254 _configuration: ConfigurationInstantiationSymbol
256 def __init__(
257 self,
258 label: str,
259 configurationSymbol: ConfigurationInstantiationSymbol,
260 genericAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
261 portAssociations: Nullable[Iterable[AssociationItem]] = None,
262 parent: ModelEntity = None
263 ) -> None:
264 super().__init__(label, genericAssociations, portAssociations, parent)
266 self._configuration = configurationSymbol
267 configurationSymbol._parent = self
269 @property
270 def Configuration(self) -> ConfigurationInstantiationSymbol:
271 return self._configuration
275class ProcessStatement(ConcurrentStatement, SequentialDeclarationsMixin, SequentialStatementsMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin):
276 """
277 Represents a process statement with sensitivity list, sequential declaration region and sequential statements.
279 .. admonition:: Example
281 .. code-block:: VHDL
283 proc: process(Clock)
284 -- sequential declarations
285 begin
286 -- sequential statements
287 end process;
288 """
290 _sensitivityList: List[Name] # TODO: implement a SignalSymbol
292 def __init__(
293 self,
294 label: Nullable[str] = None,
295 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
296 statements: Nullable[Iterable[SequentialStatement]] = None,
297 sensitivityList: Nullable[Iterable[Name]] = None,
298 documentation: Nullable[str] = None,
299 parent: ModelEntity = None
300 ) -> None:
301 super().__init__(label, parent)
302 SequentialDeclarationsMixin.__init__(self, declaredItems)
303 SequentialStatementsMixin.__init__(self, statements)
304 DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation)
306 if sensitivityList is None:
307 self._sensitivityList = None
308 else:
309 self._sensitivityList = [] # TODO: convert to dict
310 for signalSymbol in sensitivityList:
311 self._sensitivityList.append(signalSymbol)
312 # signalSymbol._parent = self # FIXME: currently str are provided
314 @property
315 def SensitivityList(self) -> List[Name]:
316 return self._sensitivityList
320class ConcurrentProcedureCall(ConcurrentStatement, ProcedureCallMixin):
321 def __init__(
322 self,
323 label: str,
324 procedureName: Name,
325 parameterMappings: Nullable[Iterable[ParameterAssociationItem]] = None,
326 parent: ModelEntity = None
327 ) -> None:
328 super().__init__(label, parent)
329 ProcedureCallMixin.__init__(self, procedureName, parameterMappings)
333class ConcurrentBlockStatement(ConcurrentStatement, BlockStatementMixin, LabeledEntityMixin, ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin, ConcurrentStatementsMixin, DocumentedEntityMixin):
334 _portItems: List[PortInterfaceItemMixin]
336 def __init__(
337 self,
338 label: str,
339 portItems: Nullable[Iterable[PortInterfaceItemMixin]] = None,
340 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
341 statements: Iterable['ConcurrentStatement'] = None,
342 documentation: Nullable[str] = None,
343 parent: ModelEntity = None
344 ) -> None:
345 super().__init__(label, parent)
346 BlockStatementMixin.__init__(self)
347 LabeledEntityMixin.__init__(self, label)
348 ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin.__init__(self, declaredItems)
349 ConcurrentStatementsMixin.__init__(self, statements)
350 DocumentedEntityMixin.__init__(self, documentation)
352 # TODO: extract to mixin
353 self._portItems = []
354 if portItems is not None:
355 for item in portItems:
356 self._portItems.append(item)
357 item._parent = self
359 @property
360 def PortItems(self) -> List[PortInterfaceItemMixin]:
361 return self._portItems
365class GenerateBranch(ModelEntity, ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin, ConcurrentStatementsMixin):
366 """
367 A base-class for all branches in a generate statements.
369 .. seealso::
371 * :class:`If-generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.IfGenerateBranch>`
372 * :class:`Elsif-generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ElsifGenerateBranch>`
373 * :class:`Else-generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ElseGenerateBranch>`
374 """
376 _alternativeLabel: Nullable[str]
377 _normalizedAlternativeLabel: Nullable[str]
379 _namespace: Namespace
381 def __init__(
382 self,
383 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
384 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
385 alternativeLabel: Nullable[str] = None,
386 parent: ModelEntity = None
387 ) -> None:
388 super().__init__(parent)
389 ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin.__init__(self, declaredItems)
390 ConcurrentStatementsMixin.__init__(self, statements)
392 self._alternativeLabel = alternativeLabel
393 self._normalizedAlternativeLabel = alternativeLabel.lower() if alternativeLabel is not None else None
395 self._namespace = Namespace(self._normalizedAlternativeLabel)
397 @property
398 def AlternativeLabel(self) -> Nullable[str]:
399 return self._alternativeLabel
401 @property
402 def NormalizedAlternativeLabel(self) -> Nullable[str]:
403 return self._normalizedAlternativeLabel
407class IfGenerateBranch(GenerateBranch, IfBranchMixin):
408 """
409 Represents if-generate branch in a generate statement with a concurrent declaration region and concurrent statements.
411 .. admonition:: Example
413 .. code-block:: VHDL
415 gen: if condition generate
416 -- concurrent declarations
417 begin
418 -- concurrent statements
419 elsif condition generate
420 -- ...
421 else generate
422 -- ...
423 end generate;
424 """
426 def __init__(
427 self,
428 condition: ExpressionUnion,
429 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
430 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
431 alternativeLabel: Nullable[str] = None,
432 parent: ModelEntity = None
433 ) -> None:
434 super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel, parent)
435 IfBranchMixin.__init__(self, condition)
439class ElsifGenerateBranch(GenerateBranch, ElsifBranchMixin):
440 """
441 Represents elsif-generate branch in a generate statement with a concurrent declaration region and concurrent statements.
443 .. admonition:: Example
445 .. code-block:: VHDL
447 gen: if condition generate
448 -- ...
449 elsif condition generate
450 -- concurrent declarations
451 begin
452 -- concurrent statements
453 else generate
454 -- ...
455 end generate;
456 """
458 def __init__(
459 self,
460 condition: ExpressionUnion,
461 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
462 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
463 alternativeLabel: Nullable[str] = None,
464 parent: ModelEntity = None
465 ) -> None:
466 super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel, parent)
467 ElsifBranchMixin.__init__(self, condition)
471class ElseGenerateBranch(GenerateBranch, ElseBranchMixin):
472 """
473 Represents else-generate branch in a generate statement with a concurrent declaration region and concurrent statements.
475 .. admonition:: Example
477 .. code-block:: VHDL
479 gen: if condition generate
480 -- ...
481 elsif condition generate
482 -- ...
483 else generate
484 -- concurrent declarations
485 begin
486 -- concurrent statements
487 end generate;
488 """
490 def __init__(
491 self,
492 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
493 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
494 alternativeLabel: Nullable[str] = None,
495 parent: ModelEntity = None
496 ) -> None:
497 super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel, parent)
498 ElseBranchMixin.__init__(self)
502class GenerateStatement(ConcurrentStatement):
503 """
504 A base-class for all generate statements.
506 .. seealso::
508 * :class:`If...generate statement <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.IfGenerateStatement>`
509 * :class:`Case...generate statement <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.CaseGenerateStatement>`
510 * :class:`For...generate statement <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ForGenerateStatement>`
511 """
513 _namespace: Namespace
515 def __init__(
516 self,
517 label: Nullable[str] = None,
518 parent: ModelEntity = None
519 ) -> None:
520 super().__init__(label, parent)
522 self._namespace = Namespace(self._normalizedLabel)
524 # @mustoverride
525 def IterateInstantiations(self) -> Generator[Instantiation, None, None]:
526 raise NotImplementedError()
528 # @mustoverride
529 def IndexStatement(self) -> None:
530 raise NotImplementedError()
534class IfGenerateStatement(GenerateStatement):
535 """
536 Represents an if...generate statement.
538 .. admonition:: Example
540 .. code-block:: VHDL
542 gen: if condition generate
543 -- ...
544 elsif condition generate
545 -- ...
546 else generate
547 -- ...
548 end generate;
550 .. seealso::
552 * :class:`Generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.GenerateBranch>` base-class
553 * :class:`If-generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.IfGenerateBranch>`
554 * :class:`Elsif-generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ElsifGenerateBranch>`
555 * :class:`Else-generate branch <pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ElseGenerateBranch>`
556 """
558 _ifBranch: IfGenerateBranch
559 _elsifBranches: List[ElsifGenerateBranch]
560 _elseBranch: Nullable[ElseGenerateBranch]
562 def __init__(
563 self,
564 label: str,
565 ifBranch: IfGenerateBranch,
566 elsifBranches: Nullable[Iterable[ElsifGenerateBranch]] = None,
567 elseBranch: Nullable[ElseGenerateBranch] = None,
568 parent: ModelEntity = None
569 ) -> None:
570 super().__init__(label, parent)
572 self._ifBranch = ifBranch
573 ifBranch._parent = self
575 self._elsifBranches = []
576 if elsifBranches is not None:
577 for branch in elsifBranches:
578 self._elsifBranches.append(branch)
579 branch._parent = self
581 if elseBranch is not None:
582 self._elseBranch = elseBranch
583 elseBranch._parent = self
584 else:
585 self._elseBranch = None
587 @property
588 def IfBranch(self) -> IfGenerateBranch:
589 return self._ifBranch
591 @property
592 def ElsifBranches(self) -> List[ElsifGenerateBranch]:
593 return self._elsifBranches
595 @property
596 def ElseBranch(self) -> Nullable[ElseGenerateBranch]:
597 return self._elseBranch
599 def IterateInstantiations(self) -> Generator[Instantiation, None, None]:
600 yield from self._ifBranch.IterateInstantiations()
601 for branch in self._elsifBranches:
602 yield from branch.IterateInstantiations()
603 if self._elseBranch is not None:
604 yield from self._ifBranch.IterateInstantiations()
606 def IndexStatement(self) -> None:
607 self._ifBranch.IndexStatements()
608 for branch in self._elsifBranches:
609 branch.IndexStatements()
610 if self._elseBranch is not None:
611 self._elseBranch.IndexStatements()
615class ConcurrentChoice(BaseChoice):
616 """A base-class for all concurrent choices (in case...generate statements)."""
620class IndexedGenerateChoice(ConcurrentChoice):
621 _expression: ExpressionUnion
623 def __init__(self, expression: ExpressionUnion, parent: ModelEntity = None) -> None:
624 super().__init__(parent)
626 self._expression = expression
627 expression._parent = self
629 @property
630 def Expression(self) -> ExpressionUnion:
631 return self._expression
633 def __str__(self) -> str:
634 return str(self._expression)
638class RangedGenerateChoice(ConcurrentChoice):
639 _range: 'Range'
641 def __init__(self, rng: 'Range', parent: ModelEntity = None) -> None:
642 super().__init__(parent)
644 self._range = rng
645 rng._parent = self
647 @property
648 def Range(self) -> 'Range':
649 return self._range
651 def __str__(self) -> str:
652 return str(self._range)
656class ConcurrentCase(BaseCase, LabeledEntityMixin, ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin, ConcurrentStatementsMixin):
657 def __init__(
658 self,
659 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
660 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
661 alternativeLabel: Nullable[str] = None,
662 parent: ModelEntity = None
663 ) -> None:
664 super().__init__(parent)
665 LabeledEntityMixin.__init__(self, alternativeLabel)
666 ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin.__init__(self, declaredItems)
667 ConcurrentStatementsMixin.__init__(self, statements)
671class GenerateCase(ConcurrentCase):
672 _choices: List[ConcurrentChoice]
674 def __init__(
675 self,
676 choices: Iterable[ConcurrentChoice],
677 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
678 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
679 alternativeLabel: Nullable[str] = None,
680 parent: ModelEntity = None
681 ) -> None:
682 super().__init__(declaredItems, statements, alternativeLabel, parent)
684 # TODO: move to parent or grandparent
685 self._choices = []
686 if choices is not None:
687 for choice in choices:
688 self._choices.append(choice)
689 choice._parent = self
691 # TODO: move to parent or grandparent
692 @property
693 def Choices(self) -> List[ConcurrentChoice]:
694 return self._choices
696 def __str__(self) -> str:
697 return "when {choices} =>".format(choices=" | ".join(str(c) for c in self._choices))
701class OthersGenerateCase(ConcurrentCase):
702 def __str__(self) -> str:
703 return "when others =>"
707class CaseGenerateStatement(GenerateStatement):
708 """
709 Represents a case...generate statement.
711 .. admonition:: Example
713 .. code-block:: VHDL
715 gen: case selector generate
716 case choice1 =>
717 -- ...
718 case choice2 =>
719 -- ...
720 case others =>
721 -- ...
722 end generate;
723 """
725 _expression: ExpressionUnion
726 _cases: List[GenerateCase]
728 def __init__(
729 self,
730 label: str,
731 expression: ExpressionUnion,
732 cases: Iterable[ConcurrentCase],
733 parent: ModelEntity = None
734 ) -> None:
735 super().__init__(label, parent)
737 self._expression = expression
738 expression._parent = self
740 # TODO: create a mixin for things with cases
741 self._cases = []
742 if cases is not None:
743 for case in cases:
744 self._cases.append(case)
745 case._parent = self
747 @property
748 def SelectExpression(self) -> ExpressionUnion:
749 return self._expression
751 @property
752 def Cases(self) -> List[GenerateCase]:
753 return self._cases
755 def IterateInstantiations(self) -> Generator[Instantiation, None, None]:
756 for case in self._cases:
757 yield from case.IterateInstantiations()
759 def IndexStatement(self) -> None:
760 for case in self._cases:
761 case.IndexStatements()
765class ForGenerateStatement(GenerateStatement, ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin, ConcurrentStatementsMixin):
766 """
767 Represents a for...generate statement.
769 .. admonition:: Example
771 .. code-block:: VHDL
773 gen: for i in 0 to 3 generate
774 -- ...
775 end generate;
776 """
778 _loopIndex: str
779 _range: Range
781 def __init__(
782 self,
783 label: str,
784 loopIndex: str,
785 rng: Range,
786 declaredItems: Nullable[Iterable] = None,
787 statements: Nullable[Iterable[ConcurrentStatement]] = None,
788 parent: ModelEntity = None
789 ) -> None:
790 super().__init__(label, parent)
791 ConcurrentDeclarationRegionMixin.__init__(self, declaredItems)
792 ConcurrentStatementsMixin.__init__(self, statements)
794 self._loopIndex = loopIndex
796 self._range = rng
797 rng._parent = self
799 @property
800 def LoopIndex(self) -> str:
801 return self._loopIndex
803 @property
804 def Range(self) -> Range:
805 return self._range
807 # IndexDeclaredItems = ConcurrentStatements.IndexDeclaredItems
809 def IndexStatement(self) -> None:
810 self.IndexStatements()
812 def IndexStatements(self) -> None:
813 super().IndexStatements()
815 def IterateInstantiations(self) -> Generator[Instantiation, None, None]:
816 return ConcurrentStatementsMixin.IterateInstantiations(self)
820class ConcurrentSignalAssignment(ConcurrentStatement, SignalAssignmentMixin):
821 """
822 A base-class for concurrent signal assignments.
824 .. seealso::
826 * :class:`~pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ConcurrentSimpleSignalAssignment`
827 * :class:`~pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ConcurrentSelectedSignalAssignment`
828 * :class:`~pyVHDLModel.Concurrent.ConcurrentConditionalSignalAssignment`
829 """
830 def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, parent: ModelEntity = None) -> None:
831 super().__init__(label, parent)
832 SignalAssignmentMixin.__init__(self, target)
836class ConcurrentSimpleSignalAssignment(ConcurrentSignalAssignment):
837 _waveform: List[WaveformElement]
839 def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, waveform: Iterable[WaveformElement], parent: ModelEntity = None) -> None:
840 super().__init__(label, target, parent)
842 # TODO: extract to mixin
843 self._waveform = []
844 if waveform is not None:
845 for waveformElement in waveform:
846 self._waveform.append(waveformElement)
847 waveformElement._parent = self
849 @property
850 def Waveform(self) -> List[WaveformElement]:
851 return self._waveform
855class ConcurrentSelectedSignalAssignment(ConcurrentSignalAssignment):
856 def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, expression: ExpressionUnion, parent: ModelEntity = None) -> None:
857 super().__init__(label, target, parent)
861class ConcurrentConditionalSignalAssignment(ConcurrentSignalAssignment):
862 def __init__(self, label: str, target: Name, expression: ExpressionUnion, parent: ModelEntity = None) -> None:
863 super().__init__(label, target, parent)
867class ConcurrentAssertStatement(ConcurrentStatement, AssertStatementMixin):
868 def __init__(
869 self,
870 condition: ExpressionUnion,
871 message: ExpressionUnion,
872 severity: Nullable[ExpressionUnion] = None,
873 label: Nullable[str] = None,
874 parent: ModelEntity = None
875 ) -> None:
876 super().__init__(label, parent)
877 AssertStatementMixin.__init__(self, condition, message, severity)