
  1. Dependency analysis

Dependency Analysis

1. Create Dependency Graph

Create unconnected vertices in the design’s dependency graph for every VHDL library object and every design unit.

The vertex’s ID field is set to a unique identifying string.
The following patterns are used:


The normalized library name: library.


The normalized library and context name: library.context.


The normalized library and entity name: library.entity.


The normalized library, entity and architecture name in parenthesis: library.entity(architecture).


The normalized library and package name: library.package.

Package Bodies

The normalized library and package name: library.package(body).

The vertex’s Value field references to the library or design unit object respectively.

Each vertex has two attributes:


A kind attribute is set to an enumeration value of DependencyGraphVertexKind representing vertex kind (type).


A predefined attribute is set to True, if the library or design unit is a VHDL predefined language entity from e.g. from std or ieee.

Lastly, every vertex is assigned to a :py:attr:~pyVHDLModel.DesignUnit.DesignUnit._dependencyVertex field. Thus, there is a double reference from graph’s vertex via Value to the DOM object as well as in reverse via _dependencyVertex to the representing vertex.

predefinedLibraries = ("std", "ieee")

for libraryIdentifier, library in self._libraries.items():
  dependencyVertex = Vertex(vertexID=f"{libraryIdentifier}", value=library, graph=self._dependencyGraph)
  dependencyVertex["kind"] = DependencyGraphVertexKind.Library
  dependencyVertex["predefined"] = libraryIdentifier in predefinedLibraries
  library._dependencyVertex = dependencyVertex

  for contextIdentifier, context in library._contexts.items():
    dependencyVertex = Vertex(vertexID=f"{libraryIdentifier}.{contextIdentifier}", value=context, graph=self._dependencyGraph)
    dependencyVertex["kind"] = DependencyGraphVertexKind.Context
    dependencyVertex["predefined"] = context._library._normalizedIdentifier in predefinedLibraries
    context._dependencyVertex = dependencyVertex

2. Create Compile Order Graph

3. Index Packages

4. Index Architectures

13. Create Hierarchy Graph

14. Compute Compile Order