
This module contains an abstract document language model for PSL in VHDL.


  • PSLEntity: ModelEntity is the base-class for all classes in the VHDL language model, except for mixin classes (see multiple

  • PSLPrimaryUnit: A base-class for all primary design units.

  • VerificationUnit: A base-class for all primary design units.

  • VerificationProperty: A base-class for all primary design units.

  • VerificationMode: A base-class for all primary design units.

  • DefaultClock: ModelEntity is the base-class for all classes in the VHDL language model, except for mixin classes (see multiple


class pyVHDLModel.PSLModel.PSLEntity(parent=None)[source]


Inheritance diagram of PSLEntity


parent (ModelEntity | None)

property Parent: ModelEntity

Read-only property to access the model entity’s parent element reference in a logical hierarchy (_parent).


Reference to the parent entity.


Initializes a VHDL model entity.


parent (Optional[ModelEntity]) – The parent model entity of this entity.

Return type:


_parent: ModelEntity

Reference to a parent entity in the logical model hierarchy.

class pyVHDLModel.PSLModel.PSLPrimaryUnit(identifier, contextItems=None, documentation=None, parent=None)[source]


Inheritance diagram of PSLPrimaryUnit

property ContextItems: List[LibraryClause | UseClause | ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of all context items comprising library, use and context clauses (_contextItems).


Sequence of context items.

property ContextReferences: List[ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of context clauses (_contextReferences).


Sequence of context clauses.

property DependencyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding dependency vertex (_dependencyVertex).

The dependency vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding dependency vertex.

property Documentation: str | None

Returns a model entity’s associated documentation.


Associated documentation of a model entity.

property HierarchyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding hierarchy vertex (_hierarchyVertex).

The hierarchy vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding hierarchy vertex.

property Identifier: str

Returns a model entity’s identifier (name).


Name of a model entity.

property LibraryReferences: List[LibraryClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of library clauses (_libraryReferences).


Sequence of library clauses.

property NormalizedIdentifier: str

Returns a model entity’s normalized identifier (lower case name).


Normalized name of a model entity.

property PackageReferences: List[UseClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of use clauses (_packageReferences).


Sequence of use clauses.

property Parent: ModelEntity

Read-only property to access the model entity’s parent element reference in a logical hierarchy (_parent).


Reference to the parent entity.

__init__(identifier, contextItems=None, documentation=None, parent=None)

Initializes a design unit.

Return type:


_contextItems: List['ContextUnion']

List of all context items (library, use and context clauses).

_contextReferences: List['ContextReference']

List of context clauses.

_dependencyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

Reference to the vertex in the dependency graph representing the design unit.
This reference is set by CreateDependencyGraph().

_document: Document

The VHDL library, the design unit was analyzed into.

_documentation: Nullable[str]

The associated documentation of a model entity.

_hierarchyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

The vertex in the hierarchy graph

_identifier: str

The identifier of a model entity.

_libraryReferences: List['LibraryClause']

List of library clauses.

_normalizedIdentifier: str

The normalized (lower case) identifier of a model entity.

_packageReferences: List['UseClause']

List of use clauses.

_parent: ModelEntity

Reference to a parent entity in the logical model hierarchy.

_referencedContexts: Dict[str, 'Context']

Referenced contexts based on explicit context references or implicit inheritance

_referencedLibraries: Dict[str, 'Library']

Referenced libraries based on explicit library clauses or implicit inheritance

_referencedPackages: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Package']]

Referenced packages based on explicit use clauses or implicit inheritance

class pyVHDLModel.PSLModel.VerificationUnit(identifier)[source]


Inheritance diagram of VerificationUnit


identifier (str)


Initializes a design unit.

  • identifier (str) – Identifier (name) of the design unit.

  • contextItems – A sequence of library, use or context clauses.

  • documentation – Associated documentation of the design unit.

  • parent – Reference to the logical parent in the model hierarchy.

Return type:


property ContextItems: List[LibraryClause | UseClause | ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of all context items comprising library, use and context clauses (_contextItems).


Sequence of context items.

property ContextReferences: List[ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of context clauses (_contextReferences).


Sequence of context clauses.

property DependencyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding dependency vertex (_dependencyVertex).

The dependency vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding dependency vertex.

property Documentation: str | None

Returns a model entity’s associated documentation.


Associated documentation of a model entity.

property HierarchyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding hierarchy vertex (_hierarchyVertex).

The hierarchy vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding hierarchy vertex.

property Identifier: str

Returns a model entity’s identifier (name).


Name of a model entity.

property LibraryReferences: List[LibraryClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of library clauses (_libraryReferences).


Sequence of library clauses.

property NormalizedIdentifier: str

Returns a model entity’s normalized identifier (lower case name).


Normalized name of a model entity.

property PackageReferences: List[UseClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of use clauses (_packageReferences).


Sequence of use clauses.

property Parent: ModelEntity

Read-only property to access the model entity’s parent element reference in a logical hierarchy (_parent).


Reference to the parent entity.

_contextItems: List['ContextUnion']

List of all context items (library, use and context clauses).

_contextReferences: List['ContextReference']

List of context clauses.

_dependencyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

Reference to the vertex in the dependency graph representing the design unit.
This reference is set by CreateDependencyGraph().

_document: Document

The VHDL library, the design unit was analyzed into.

_documentation: Nullable[str]

The associated documentation of a model entity.

_hierarchyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

The vertex in the hierarchy graph

_identifier: str

The identifier of a model entity.

_libraryReferences: List['LibraryClause']

List of library clauses.

_normalizedIdentifier: str

The normalized (lower case) identifier of a model entity.

_packageReferences: List['UseClause']

List of use clauses.

_parent: ModelEntity

Reference to a parent entity in the logical model hierarchy.

_referencedContexts: Dict[str, 'Context']

Referenced contexts based on explicit context references or implicit inheritance

_referencedLibraries: Dict[str, 'Library']

Referenced libraries based on explicit library clauses or implicit inheritance

_referencedPackages: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Package']]

Referenced packages based on explicit use clauses or implicit inheritance

class pyVHDLModel.PSLModel.VerificationProperty(identifier)[source]


Inheritance diagram of VerificationProperty


identifier (str)


Initializes a design unit.

  • identifier (str) – Identifier (name) of the design unit.

  • contextItems – A sequence of library, use or context clauses.

  • documentation – Associated documentation of the design unit.

  • parent – Reference to the logical parent in the model hierarchy.

Return type:


property ContextItems: List[LibraryClause | UseClause | ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of all context items comprising library, use and context clauses (_contextItems).


Sequence of context items.

property ContextReferences: List[ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of context clauses (_contextReferences).


Sequence of context clauses.

property DependencyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding dependency vertex (_dependencyVertex).

The dependency vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding dependency vertex.

property Documentation: str | None

Returns a model entity’s associated documentation.


Associated documentation of a model entity.

property HierarchyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding hierarchy vertex (_hierarchyVertex).

The hierarchy vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding hierarchy vertex.

property Identifier: str

Returns a model entity’s identifier (name).


Name of a model entity.

property LibraryReferences: List[LibraryClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of library clauses (_libraryReferences).


Sequence of library clauses.

property NormalizedIdentifier: str

Returns a model entity’s normalized identifier (lower case name).


Normalized name of a model entity.

property PackageReferences: List[UseClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of use clauses (_packageReferences).


Sequence of use clauses.

property Parent: ModelEntity

Read-only property to access the model entity’s parent element reference in a logical hierarchy (_parent).


Reference to the parent entity.

_contextItems: List['ContextUnion']

List of all context items (library, use and context clauses).

_contextReferences: List['ContextReference']

List of context clauses.

_dependencyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

Reference to the vertex in the dependency graph representing the design unit.
This reference is set by CreateDependencyGraph().

_document: Document

The VHDL library, the design unit was analyzed into.

_documentation: Nullable[str]

The associated documentation of a model entity.

_hierarchyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

The vertex in the hierarchy graph

_identifier: str

The identifier of a model entity.

_libraryReferences: List['LibraryClause']

List of library clauses.

_normalizedIdentifier: str

The normalized (lower case) identifier of a model entity.

_packageReferences: List['UseClause']

List of use clauses.

_parent: ModelEntity

Reference to a parent entity in the logical model hierarchy.

_referencedContexts: Dict[str, 'Context']

Referenced contexts based on explicit context references or implicit inheritance

_referencedLibraries: Dict[str, 'Library']

Referenced libraries based on explicit library clauses or implicit inheritance

_referencedPackages: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Package']]

Referenced packages based on explicit use clauses or implicit inheritance

class pyVHDLModel.PSLModel.VerificationMode(identifier)[source]


Inheritance diagram of VerificationMode


identifier (str)


Initializes a design unit.

  • identifier (str) – Identifier (name) of the design unit.

  • contextItems – A sequence of library, use or context clauses.

  • documentation – Associated documentation of the design unit.

  • parent – Reference to the logical parent in the model hierarchy.

Return type:


property ContextItems: List[LibraryClause | UseClause | ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of all context items comprising library, use and context clauses (_contextItems).


Sequence of context items.

property ContextReferences: List[ContextReference]

Read-only property to access the sequence of context clauses (_contextReferences).


Sequence of context clauses.

property DependencyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding dependency vertex (_dependencyVertex).

The dependency vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding dependency vertex.

property Documentation: str | None

Returns a model entity’s associated documentation.


Associated documentation of a model entity.

property HierarchyVertex: Vertex

Read-only property to access the corresponding hierarchy vertex (_hierarchyVertex).

The hierarchy vertex references this design unit by its value field.


The corresponding hierarchy vertex.

property Identifier: str

Returns a model entity’s identifier (name).


Name of a model entity.

property LibraryReferences: List[LibraryClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of library clauses (_libraryReferences).


Sequence of library clauses.

property NormalizedIdentifier: str

Returns a model entity’s normalized identifier (lower case name).


Normalized name of a model entity.

property PackageReferences: List[UseClause]

Read-only property to access the sequence of use clauses (_packageReferences).


Sequence of use clauses.

property Parent: ModelEntity

Read-only property to access the model entity’s parent element reference in a logical hierarchy (_parent).


Reference to the parent entity.

_contextItems: List['ContextUnion']

List of all context items (library, use and context clauses).

_contextReferences: List['ContextReference']

List of context clauses.

_dependencyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

Reference to the vertex in the dependency graph representing the design unit.
This reference is set by CreateDependencyGraph().

_document: Document

The VHDL library, the design unit was analyzed into.

_documentation: Nullable[str]

The associated documentation of a model entity.

_hierarchyVertex: Vertex[None, None, str, 'DesignUnit', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

The vertex in the hierarchy graph

_identifier: str

The identifier of a model entity.

_libraryReferences: List['LibraryClause']

List of library clauses.

_normalizedIdentifier: str

The normalized (lower case) identifier of a model entity.

_packageReferences: List['UseClause']

List of use clauses.

_parent: ModelEntity

Reference to a parent entity in the logical model hierarchy.

_referencedContexts: Dict[str, 'Context']

Referenced contexts based on explicit context references or implicit inheritance

_referencedLibraries: Dict[str, 'Library']

Referenced libraries based on explicit library clauses or implicit inheritance

_referencedPackages: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'Package']]

Referenced packages based on explicit use clauses or implicit inheritance

class pyVHDLModel.PSLModel.DefaultClock(identifier)[source]


Inheritance diagram of DefaultClock


identifier (str)


Initializes a VHDL model entity.

  • parent – The parent model entity of this entity.

  • identifier (str)

Return type:


_identifier: str

The identifier of a model entity.

_normalizedIdentifier: str

The normalized (lower case) identifier of a model entity.

property Identifier: str

Returns a model entity’s identifier (name).


Name of a model entity.

property NormalizedIdentifier: str

Returns a model entity’s normalized identifier (lower case name).


Normalized name of a model entity.

property Parent: ModelEntity

Read-only property to access the model entity’s parent element reference in a logical hierarchy (_parent).


Reference to the parent entity.

_parent: ModelEntity

Reference to a parent entity in the logical model hierarchy.